

While we run several programmes across India, we also work in tandem with numerous government agencies, civil society organizations, and communities across five core themes: Health & Nutrition, Education, Child Protection, Humanitarian Response, as well as Disaster Risk Reduction and Child Poverty.

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Make a Donation

Our urgent requirements are below,

Sponsorship of a Underprivileged Child School Fees (Annual) - INR 12,000.00/- ( INR 1000/ month for 12 months) per child
One-Time-Meal’ Scheme - One-time-contribution of INR 5000/- is welcome against one-time snacks cum energy-drink for the school children for one year
Additionally we are also providing them books and stationary from our end

We also require basic infrastructure for the such as benches but as i priority we are first focussing on the above to get the children back to school.

The more the support more the kids we support so please help us achieve the impossible and be a part of same.

Donate Now


How the Seed was Sown?

It was the vision of our Trustee, serving as a working in education institutions that we were alarmed at a big gap prevailing in society between children of different strata. There was a huge difference in their outlook, which raised an requirement of bridging the gap between these two kinds:

1. The parents who could afford to pay high fees, decided to enrol their kids in an already existing school

2. The labourer parents who worked as labourers and were daily wagers & did not send their children to the local school as they could not afford the fee or due to social reasons.

• Analysing the Need of the Hour -Program was Stated names EDUACTION FOR ALL.



Our Requirement : 

Our Address :


Shiv Darshan Society 

Survey No 55 Rustom Compound  Chinchoti Village

Vasai Palghar

Why Diva & Palghar?

For further details on project visit our Youtube Page @

It is no secret the India’s heart beats in the rural land. In 2003, Diva Village was totally underdeveloped, where the inhabitants were considered Adivasis. Their academic level was absolute nil and almost all of them were illiterate. They worked as labourers in construction sites and were earning very little amount as daily wages. None of them understood the need of education for themselves or for their children. Living under such conditions, they were never able develop the mindset to understand the value of education. Spending more time with the locals and inculcating the value of education to their children, we also found that slowly the adults wished that their children could be educated. But the affordability was the stigma. Our survey revealed that there was only one school in the whole area, which charged an admission fee that was in no way affordable to these poor labourers. This was our gut feeling which made our maiden venture to be located in a rural belt. As the cosmopolitan town of Mumbai already has various academic options, we decided to tap the rural public of DIVA who were then not very familiar with educational exposure. Hence, we identified a plot of land in DIVA as our location of the learning canter.

- Fittings and Furniture -
Any amount can be sponsored towards purchase of benches for the school.
Cost of Each Bench – INR 3750/-
Requirement – 250 benches

 Sponsorship of a Underprivileged Child (Annual) - INR 12,000.00/- ( INR 1000/ month for 12 months) can be sponsored on a quarterly, half-yearly or yearly basis towards the study expenses of one child. • - ‘One-Time-Meal’ Scheme - One-time-contribution of INR 5000/- is welcome against one-time snacks cum energy-drink for the school children for one year. • - Appeal for IN KIND Contributions - Experts in various fields like computer technology, medical, literary, handicrafts, music, dramatics etc. may offer to devote a little bit of their time and knowledge with the school faculty and students to enrich their experience.

For further development of our school and to impart a Child-Centric Education, we request you to participate with your suggestions and contributions, which will play a pivotal role in the success of the project.
